Governance/ Management: (The Team)
Nora Grogan is the Proprietor and General Manager who is the designated Registered Service Provider by SUNDYP LTD. Nora, who has over 50 years experience in Nursing and Management. Nora works Monday to Friday.
Yvonne Grogan Moroney Nora’s daughter is the named Person in Charge/Director of Nursing and deals with the day to day running of the Nursing Home. Yvonne works Monday to Friday and is on call at Night and Weekends.
Yvonne has been qualified in Nursing since 1998 and has worked in London in Accident & Emergency/Surgical and Medical areas. She has a degree in Nursing from NUIG and a Higher Diploma in Palliative care from UCD and a Certificate in Palliative Dementia from the University of Belfast.
She worked in Management in Harold’s Cross Hospice catering for patients with Stroke/Motor Neuron Disease/Cancer and A.I.D’S to name but a few of the illnesses of the people in her care.
She also worked in the Galway Hospice and during her employment held two positions at different times one as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in the community as part of the Galway Hospice Home care team and the other as Acting Manager of the Galway Hospice in Patient Unit.
After this she returned full time to the Nursing Home to assist her mother in the delivery of care to the people in their locality incorporating a home from home ethos.
The Person in Charge/Director of Nursing also teaches the courses in house where possible which include: Manual Handling/People Manual Handling, BLS CPR/AED, Fire, FETAC modules including Palliative Care, Elder abuse, Restraint and she encourages and supports all staff to continually update in areas of education for the betterment of themselves and all in their care
Nora and Yvonne who are both registered with An Bord Altranais (Irish Nursing Board) take the running of the Residential Care Setting with great regard for those in their care.
Their happiness and comfort is the first priority and as such the care needs are based around this ethos.
Once a person is admitted they are considered a member of the family and their needs and requirements with their safety in mind is made the impetus for all the staff.
Nora and Yvonne encourage all Residents and their families to discuss their concerns with them or any member of staff.
We appreciate home is the first preference, however, we aim to ensure our Residents receive the care they wish to have as personal choice is an integral part to the care given in St Theresa’s home from home environment and Our staff will do their utmost to protect your privacy and dignity at all times.
St Theresa’s Nursing Home employs approximately 28 staff. Changes to staffing levels occur to reflect the variance of the Residents dependency and occupancy levels.
St Theresa’s staff comprises of a highly motivated team and the residents are at the centre of the care that they give to each individual resident.
The positive team approach to daily life in the Nursing home by the staff is reflected in the care given and they strive to ensure the independence of each resident in a supportive and caring environment. No task is too small and we aim to ensure our Residents are happy in their home from home.
All our Nursing Staff inclusive of the Director of Nursing have qualifications including but not limited to Palliative, Dementia, Surgical, Medical, Intensive/Coronary Care.
We have three staff who are Sonas Licensed Practitioners which is an activity researched based in its support of people with communication issues or dementia diagnosis. We also have three staff that have completed Activity Co-ordinator training which is hoped to supplement the Activity Schedule.
Christy spent the last 10 months of his life in St Theresa’s Nursing Home, he had dementia. He was treated with care and dignity from Matron and the wonderful staff. He suffered from dementia, the patience and kindness he had by all the staff was excellent. Any request great or small was dealt with immediately with a smile. I never had to worry as I knew he was safe and secure and very well looked after. M.D.